Sunday, March 22, 2009

How this blog got its name

Many of you may wonder at "rise and shout the carers are out" it is kind of an odd name for a blog. So let me tell you how I came up with this. I wanted a name that invoked strong feelings of unity, and family pride. I wanted it to be witty and original. I thought for a while and couldn't really come up with anything. Well my boys sometimes need a little convincing to get them out of bed in the morning so I often come in to wake them up singing the BYU fight song. I change the word "cougars" to carters, and "fame and glory" to "eternal glory". Kind of cheesy I know but it gives my boys something to laugh at me over. I always get the same response as I come in singing this song. Ahhh mom STOP as they are pulling the sheets over their head to block me from tickling or kissing them and putting their hands over their ears. They are eventually bugged enough by my singing and cheesyness that they get up. So as I was singing this I thought there is my blog name - luckily no one had taken it (big surprise huh) so my fabulous blog was born.

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