Friday, March 27, 2009

Who is this Murphy fellow?

What is it with Murphy's laws. I am not sure who this Murphy fellow is or why he made such laws but I wish he wouldn't have. They seem to affect me all the time. Like just today I cleaned out my fridge. I hate cleaning my fridge, it is by far my least favorite job. I would rather scrub 1000 toilets then clean my fridge. But I did it today. It sure is empty now, I guess I should go shopping. Anyway cleaning the fridge isn't my point here so I will move on.

I was reminded of Murphy's laws while I was scrapping out the remains (which was a large percentage) of a chicken pot pie I had made for dinner a while ago. It was my very first chicken pot pie. I love pie but I prefer sweet fruit or pudding over chicken stew to be inside the crust. Anyway a while back my kids had watched the movie chicken run and learned about chicken pot pies. They have been asking me to make it ever since. So this week when asked what they wanted for dinner someone said chicken pot pie and the rest of my kids agreed I decided to go for it. I don't usually like to make things for dinner that I don't personally like so I had held off thus far on the pot pie. But I decided to sacrifice my own desires for theirs and make the pie, it also helped that I was going out for dinner with my friends that night. Anyway I googled it and found a recipe I though looked reasonable and made it. The crust turned out perfect. The last hundred pies or so I have made haven't been this successful. I love pie, it is my favorite dessert. I like the crust I make but for some reason I can never roll it out and get it on the pie plate in a perfect circle without having to patch little pieces here and there. Well this time I rolled out a absolute perfect circle, just the right size with no broken parts. I didn't even try hard or be extra careful or anything. It looked beautiful. It also baked to a perfect golden brown, flaky crust without burnt edges. Honestly I was pretty impressed with myself.

Well I was also pretty annoyed that this crust had to house chicken stew instead of apples and cinnamon, and also that no one but my kids (and maybe my husband) would see it. Most pies I make are for a holiday or when we have guests or to take to a church function or party. Anyway my children who were super excited to have chicken pot pie, tried it only to find they don't like chicken pot pie. My kind husband ate some and said he liked it, but today I threw most of that perfect crust away.

Anyway things like that seem to always happen to me. It doesn't matter how hard I try to make something turn out perfect, it only happens when it doesn't really matter how it looks. The same could be said about all kinds of things. My most successful ventures are always the most unimportant one while the important ones always flop.

I have to wonder why my kids only get sick after office hours, or they miraculously get better the moment we enter the Dr's office. Or the only days it rains is during vacations. Or why traffic is always at its worst when I am in a hurry. Or my favorite song comes on just after we pull in the driveway, but the traffic report is the only thing I hear while driving around. Or I am at my skinniest when I have the most zits and if my zits clear up I suddenly have no where to go. Or why my kids won't ever go to the bathroom in a toilet that hasn't been flushed but if there is a clogged toilet then they sit right down and go all over the mound of clogged toilet paper (and it is always the most disgusting smelliest kind). Or how the only time I lose my cool and scream at my kids is when someone is standing at my door knocking but I can't hear them over all the screaming and yelling. It is uncanny how these things always happen.

Even little things like trips to the grocery store. If I just spur of the moment decide to go everything always turns out ok. If I take the time to plan ahead, make a list, and read the ads, I can never find what I need, if I do it's not on sale and I forget half the most important things I came for.

If I take the time to bathe and dress the kids, and do their hair and put some make up on myself we never end up seeing anyone we know. But it's those times that I am in a hurry and just put a jacket on over my pajamas, and carry the kids out to the car without cleaning their faces, or putting their on shoes that we run into 1/2 our ward plus a least a couple of old friends I haven't seen for years.

If I take my baby to the bathroom right before we leave she will wet her pants when we get there. If I don't remember to make her go she is fine for hours. That is one thing I have never understood. How can the same child who can play all day long and only pee once a day when we are at home, have to go several times an hour when we are out. Honestly I think when they see a restroom sign at the store they start thinking about going to the bathroom, meanwhile I move on with my shopping until we reach the other end of the store then then kid realizes its more than a thought and he is dancing around holding himself. So I race back to the bathroom hoping to make it in time, sometimes I do sometimes I don't. Well then I of course ask, "anyone else need to go..., are you sure... even a little bit" the answer is always no. So we head back out to shop and when we have reached the furthest possible place from the bathroom the next kid has to go, so we start the race over again. With only 2 preschoolers you would think that would be the end of it and we could finally finish our shopping, but no I can always count on someone who needs to go back so they can poop. And they always seem to tell me this in their loudest possible voice in the most crowded area of the store. I am not kidding - this scenario is a common occurrence in my life and has been since my oldest was potty trained. Anyway although I am not a fan of this Murphy fellow I think he has got it spot on, anything that can possibly go wrong, does. You know I bet this Murphy isn't a fellow at all I bet he is Mom.

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